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Good updated news for the support of researchers in Switzerland participating in Horizon 2020
The Swiss Federal Council approved interim measures in response to the unresolved situation regarding Switzerland’s association to Horizon 2020
EU and EIB Group join forces to support up to €48 billion in R&I investment
The European Commission and the European Investment Bank Group (EIB) launched a new generation of EU financial instruments and advisory services to help innovative firms access finance more easily.
A.A.A. EASME is looking for “Business Coach(es)”s
Call for expression of interest for setting up of a list of coaches for coaching activities in connection with the SME Instrument
Have your says on next R&I topics to be funded by EU on Environment
What are the research and innovation needs/trends and market opportunities that EC should take into account while drafting its calls for proposals ?
Launching of nine Public-Private and Public-Public research partnerships worth up to €20 billion.
Launching of nine Public-Private and Public-Public research partnerships worth up to €20 billion by the EC ...
Investing in partnerships in research and innovation
Series of partnerships under Horizon 2020 with industry and with Member States are being established to boost Europe competitiveness....
Innovation performance: EU Member States, International Competitors and European Regions compared
The Innovation Union Scoreboard provides an overview of the research and innovation performance of EU Member States and some associated and neighbouring countries at national and regional levels....
Looking for independant experts for EUREKA
Could you have predicted the success of today's European innovations? If so, EUREKA wants to hear from you!...
Innovation Procurement
Public Procurement of Innovative Solutions (PPI) can help provide innovative solutions to societal challenges and support EU companies to develop into global leaders....
“Innovation through Gender” European Report on gender dimension in EU research
In February 2011 the European Commission convened an Expert Group, “Innovation through Gender”....
European Commission’s Study on Successful SMEs participation in FP7 projects in the Biotechnologies Activity
The European Commission invested €550 million in 129 projects under the “Biotechnologies” activity area of FP7 leading to solutions to some of the most pressing societal challenges ...
Swiss participation in Horizon 2020
As the negotiations on Switzerland’s association to Horizon 2020 could not be completed, Switzerland has to be considered a non-associated country ...
Horizon Europe
is a very large and
complex programme. This is why NCP Brussels is here to support you.
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