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SMEs in Belgium to benefit from €100 million in EU-guaranteed loans
Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Belgium will get easier access to risk capital thanks to a new EU-backed loan guarantee facility under the Horizon 2020 programme.
EDITORIAL 26.06.2015 “New NCP contact for H2020 Space at NCP Brussels”
Several funding opportunities for space-related RDI projects are envisaged under Horizon 2020, especially within the framework of the “Leadership in enabling and industrial technologies” pillar.
COS-DESIGN-2015-3-03: Design-based consumer goods
Design-based consumer goods SMEs need to react by continuously reinventing their business models, by changing production and distribution patterns to match the demand expressed by consumers and capture new market trends. In order to remain competitive, these companies have to continue moving towards higher added value products, processes and services.
Horizon 2020 provides €18M for eight new energy-efficiency projects
The European Union’s Horizon 2020 funded in May eight new energy-efficiency projects covering 26 countries.
The Scientific Advice Mechanism
As announced by President Juncker on 13 May 2015, the European Commission intends to set up a new Scientific Advice Mechanism ("SAM").
EDITORIAL 28.05.2015 “Innovation management services”
"Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower" according to Steve Jobs.
Summaries of the first Horizon 2020 projects published on CORDIS
Abstracts of the first hundreds projects funded under Horizon 2020 are now available on line.
What is next under Horizon 2020?
contributions from Brussels Reference Groups to the new Horizon 2020 work programmes
EDITORIAL 24.04.2015 “Smart Cities in Horizon 2020”
What is a “smart city”? It is a place where digital and telecommunication technologies are used to make the traditional networks and services more efficient, for the benefit of its inhabitants and businesses.
Horizon 2020 Environment: 28 projects selected for funding
Evaluation of the 115 proposals submitted in September 2014 in answer to Horizon 2020's Societal Challenge "Climate action, environment, resource efficiency and raw materials" has now been completed and grant agreements for 28 new projects are being prepared.
European Commission launches €3m prize to improve air quality in cities
Develop a material solution to reduce the concentration of particulate matter in urban areas
DG RTD video reports of EU-funded R&I projects
DG Research and Innovation (DG RTD) has made available on its website a collection of video reports about EU-funded Research and Innovation projects.The objective is to more easily and visually effectively reach the public and demonstrate the results of RDI projects funded by the European Commission.You may find the videos here. If you are a Brussels-based organisation and you wish to submit a Research and Innovation project proposal under Horizon 2020, contact our team to get free of charge support.
Horizon Europe
is a very large and
complex programme. This is why NCP Brussels is here to support you.
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