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Pre-publication of the drafts for Innovative Health Initiative Call 8

The Innovative Health Initiative (IHI) has pre-published the drafts for Call 8. Four topics are currently planned for the two-stage Call 8, which will be finalized and published in the coming weeks:

  1. “A city-based approach to reducing cardiovascular mortality in Europe”
  2. “Novel endpoints for osteoarthritis (OA) by applying big data analytics”
  3. “Modelling regulatory sandbox mechanisms and enabling their deployment to support breakthrough innovation”
  4. “Patient-centred clinical-study endpoints derived using digital health technologies”

The topics are currently being consulted with the States’ Representatives Group and the Science and Innovation Panel. They can therefore change between the versions now published and the publication of the Call. Applicants should therefore check the final, approved topic texts after publication of the call for proposals. Release is expected on June 25, 2024.

More information and the draft for Call 8 can be found on the IHI website.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact your Brussels NCP health Marie-Elisabeth Colin ( 

Mariza Colin
May 02, 2024 . 1 min read
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