Online Workshop for Applicants: The Applicant approach towards Missions: Challenges, differences and peculiarities | EU Missions in HE
We are delighted to inform you about the 1st Workshop “The Applicant approach towards Missions: Challenges, differences and peculiarities” organised by NCP4Missions (international networks of Eu Missions NCPs) and which will be take place online on 06/12/2024.
This first workshop will provide an essential overview of the five EU Missions focusing on practical insights and diverse experiences of applicants navigating both the EU Missions and Horizon Europe framework.
During the event, a roundtable will be held with representatives of Missions and Horizon funded projects to provide applicants with experiences of Eu Missions and Horizon funded project representatives in order to find out more about the challenges, differences and approaches to building successful EU Missions proposals.
Please feel free to share information about the event with all your community.
Agenda and Registration link: