Our News
Discover the latest news in the area of Horizon Europe.
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CARE4BIO Annotated Templates
These templates made by Cluster 6 NCPs are intended to guide applicants during the proposal writing phase.
EU Funding
Free-of-charge dissemination and exploitation services
Do you have research results, but you don't know how to make the most of their potential?
EU Funding
10 tips for successfully managing your EU project
When managing EU research grants, you need to comply with the conditions defined in your grant agreement.
Innovative Health Initiative (IHI) Funding Opportunities
The Innovative Health Initiative (IHI) has now launched IHI – call 9 and IHI call 10.
European Innovation Council Transition Call – 40 Projects Selected
The selected participants come from 21 EU Member States and Horizon Europe associated countries.
european commission
31 new projects set to deliver state-of-the-art technology and services to the benefit of the entire research community
The EU is investing €224 million in new projects that will deliver infrastructures, resources and services to facilitate ground-breaking innovation in the areas of climate change, pollution, health, and astronomy.
Consultation to shape the Driving Urban Transitions (DUT) Calls 2025 and 2026
The co-financed partnership Driving Urban Transitions (DUT) launches a survey to reflect on and shape the call priorities for the DUT transnational joint Calls 2025 and 2026.
NCP Brussels
Deadline Extended! Your opinion matters – share it with us today!
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european commission
Republic of Korea to join Horizon Europe under Transitional Arrangement
As of 1 January 2025, the Republic of Korea joins Horizon Europe, opening new opportunities for researchers and unlocking potential for collaboration.
Clean energy and mobility R&I: Shaping the future
Learn about the nine ‘innovation pathways’ explored by a group of independent experts.
european commission
EU and Switzerland successfully conclude negotiations on Horizon Europe and Euratom
The Commission and the Swiss Government have concluded negotiations on the association of Switzerland to all three pillars of Horizon Europe.
2 new calls | EP PerMed (the European Partnership for Personnalised Medicine)
2 new calls dedicated to accelerating research and innovation in Personnalised Medicine
Horizon Europe
is a very large and
complex programme. This is why NCP Brussels is here to support you.
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