Horizon Europe call closure: 43 projects selected
Horizon Europe call closure: 43 projects selected for EUR 241.6 million in sustainable, secure, and competitive energy supply topics.
The European Commission launched calls for proposals under Horizon Europe’s Work Programme for 2023-2024 Cluster 5 – which groups together topics on Climate Action, Energy, and Mobility.
A total of EUR 246 million of EU funding available under HORIZON-CL5-2024-D3-01 call for 17 single-stage sustainable, secure, and competitive energy supply topics under the ‘Global leadership in renewable energy’ and ‘Energy systems, grids and storage’ thematic scopes opened on 12 September 2023.
264 proposals were submitted within the deadline of 16 January 2024 with 252 proposals evaluated and 43 projects selected.
Please visit the dedicated page for more information and an overview of the proposal submissions.
If you have any questions, please get in touch with our advisors in charge of the sector.