Type of event
29 June 2023
9:30 - 11:40
EU Funding Opportunities for R&I in the Health domain
On 29 June 2023, the Belgian Health NCPs (NCP Brussels, NCP Federal BE, NCP Wallonie and NCP Flanders) are organising a webinar for stakeholders active in the health domain with an overview of different EU funding opportunties for research and innovation in this domain.
Programmes and schemes that will be covered in this webinar include the Horizon Europe Health Cluster, EIC health opportunities, EIT Health, EU4Health and health opportunities in the Digital Europe Programme.
The webinar will be exclusively open to stakeholders located in Belgium and will be held in English. Participation is free but registration is required.
Registration link: https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/4679952927428482393
Deadline to register is 22 June 2023.
- 09:30 -09:40: Welcome and general overview of Health European policies & programmes
Speaker: Emilie Fonck, hub.brussels, NCP Health and Mission Cancer - 09:40-09:50: Horizon Europe general, Cluster 1 Health and Mission on Cancer
Speaker: Sarah Stroobants, FWO, NCP Health and Mission Cancer - 09:50-09:55: Testimonial by Horizon Europe Health RIA project
Speaker: Stephane Lejeune, European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC), Head International Affairs and Policies - 09:55-10:05: Q&A
- 10:05-10:10: Overview Health partnerships
Speaker: Pascale Van Dinter, Belgian Science Policy Office, NCP Health - 10:10-10:15: Testimonial
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Apr. Pieter Annaert, BioNotus, Co-founder & CSO - 10:15-10:25: Horizon Europe EIT Health
Speaker: Hayley Every, EIT Health Belgium-Netherlands, Entrepreneurship Lead - 10:25-10:30: Testimonial
Speaker: Valérie Gordenne, ODIX, founder & CEO - 10:30-10:35: Horizon Europe European Innovation Council
Speaker: Valentina Albarani, NCP Wallonie, NCP Health, Mission Cancer and EIC - 10:35-10:40: Testimonial by EIC Health project
Speaker: Antoine Pouppez, NeuroClues, CEO - 10:40-10:50: Q&A
- 10:50-11:00: EU4Health programme
Speaker: Laurence Ballieux, FPS Health, Food Chain Safety and Environment, NFP EU4Health - 11:00-11:05: Testimonial by EU4Health project
Speaker: Marie Delnord, Sciensano, Cancer Centre - 11:05-11:15: Digital Europe programme & Health Data Space
Speaker: Marie Timmermann, FWO, NCP Digital, Industry Space, EIT & Digital Europe - 11:15-11:20: Testimony of Digital Europe health project ‘EDITH project – European Virtual Human Twin’
Speaker: Prof. Liesbet Geris, Executive director VPH Institute - 11:20-11:30: Q&A
- 11:30-11:35: Closing of the event
Speaker: Emilie Fonck, hub.brussels, NCP Health and Mission Cancer
Any questions? Get in touch with Emilie Fonck, our NCP for Health