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Brokerage event


Brussels, Belgium


26 September 2023


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Cluster 6 Brokerage Event

CARE4BIO is organising a Cluster 6 brokerage event for entities looking for partners to build a consortium

To help you find suitable consortium partners for the upcoming Horizon Europe’s 2024 Cluster 6 ‘Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment’ calls, the network of Cluster 6 National Contact Points, CARE4BIO, is organising a full-day onsite Brokerage Event in Brussels on 26 September 2023. It is free of charge, but registration is required. Just after, on 27 and 28 September, the European Commission’s Horizon Europe Cluster 6 Info Days will take place, also in Brussels.

The CARE4BIO Brokerage Event focuses on bilateral meetings between participants interested in the same topics. The partnering event targets a wide spectrum of stakeholders, from companies (including SMEs), universities, research organisations and other interested parties, from Europe and beyond, seeking to share new project ideas and find collaboration partners for the Horizon Europe Cluster 6 Calls 2024. Participants will also have the opportunity to showcase their project idea and expertise through flash presentations.


Registration is open, and early registration is strongly encouraged. Registrants’ profiles will be validated in order to ensure that they meet certain quality standards, with a view to make the matchmaking more efficient. Spots for the Brokerage Event are limited and will be distributed on a first come, first served basis once quality criteria are met. Registration for the event will close on 5 September 2023. A number of travel grants to promising participants will be offered, information on the application process and award criteria will be circulated soon.

Click here to register.

For more information, click here or get in touch with our NCPs for Cluster 6, Bénédicte de Brouwer and Camille Dehestru.

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