Eurostars2 – Cut-off 1 funding results: a success story in numbers
After the first Eurostars 2 cut-off an average project involves around 3-4 participants from 2-3 countries with a project cost of €1.3 million. In total, 22 countries are represented across the 70 approved projects.
23% overall success rate!
The synchronisation of national funding for the first cut-off of the transnational programme Eurostars 2 has recently been concluded. Of the 299 applications for funding submitted, 82 were positively evaluated and the best 70 were selected to be part of the programme, representing an overall success rate of 23%.
70% of SME representation:
SMEs are the main beneficiaries; out of 928 organisations, 659 were SMEs, representing 70% of the participants and 78% of the total project costs. Eurostars-2 is a joint programme between EUREKA and the European Commission and is specifically dedicated to support research-performing SMEs: companies of less than 250 employees, dedicating some of their capital and workforce to R&D.
€ 1.3 million average project cost
In cut-off 1 an average project involves around 3-4 participants from 2-3 countries with a project cost of €1.3 million. In total, 22 countries are represented across the 70 approved projects.