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Innoviris and NCP Brussels Info Day on 2024 DUT calls for Brussels stakeholders

DUT Partnership

The Driving Urban Transitions (DUT) Partnership builds upon the achievements of the Joint Programming Initiative (JPI) Urban Europe created in 2010. It addresses the global urban challenges with the ambition to develop a European research and innovation (R&I) hub on urban matters and create European solutions by means of coordinated research. Collaboration, problem-solving, concrete uptake (urban living labs, local experimentation…), replication and mainstreaming are at the core of the DUT Partnership approach.

DUT challenges are grouped into three themes called Transition Pathways:

The 2024 calls will focus on the following topics:

  • Circular Urban Economies (CUE)

    • CUE topic 1 – Creating a new paradigm for urban water cycles
    • CUE topic 2 – Circular models for regenerating, repurposing, protecting, and conserving urban space for biodiversity
    • CUE topic 3 – Multi-city strategies for circular urban economy monitoring and management
  • 15-minute City (15mC)

    • 15mC topic 1 – Advancing urban mobility: innovations for inclusive and youth-centric mobility systems
    • 15mC topic 2 – Reconsidering urban mobility systems: towards system innovation and proximity policies for sustainable city regions
    • 15mC topic 3 – Evidence for the urban mobility transition: data and indicators for effective decision-making
  • Positive Energy Districts (PED)

    • PED topic 1 – Local PEDs in a multi-level perspective
    • PED topic 2 – Towards the climate-neutral city: PEDs, system integration, and urban strategies
    • PED topic 3 – Managing the urban energy transition: data management and decision support systems

Launch of the 2024 calls

On 9 September, NCP Brussels and Innoviris co-organised an Info Day on the 2024 calls of the DUT Partnership. This event targeted Brussels stakeholders: local authorities, research organisations / universities, private companies, and civil society organisations.

During this event, Kourosch Abbaspour Tehrani, Scientific Director at Innoviris presented the DUT Partnership itself , the 2024 calls and the specificities for Brussels candidates. Gaëlle Hubert, Scientific Advisor at Innoviris, presented the support provided by Innoviris to prospective candidates and introduced the IPSU financial support tools for non-economic entities. On the side of NCP Brussels, Camille Dehestru (NCP Cluster 5, Cluster 6 and DUT) presented the Horizon Europe structure, and the support provided by NCP Brussels to the candidates. Two testimonials closed the session: Justine Gangneux and Lucian Zagan (Eurocities) on the FORTHCOMING project, and Andrea Aragone (ULB) and Boud Verbeiren (VUB) on the GREEN-INC project.


What are the next steps?

  • 10 September and 9 October 2024: online info days organized by the DUT Partnership
  • 14 November 2024: stage 1 closing (pre-proposal submission deadline)
  • February 2025: stage 2 opening (full proposal submission)
  • 24 April 2025: stage 2 closing (full proposal deadline)
  • July 2025: information of projects selected for funding


Support and information

As a reminder, the role of Innoviris in the framework of the DUT is the following:

  • Launch the calls (with EU partners)
  • Supervise the (regional) eligibility check
  • Manage the funding of the R&I (e.g. DUT) projects: agreements, annual committees, budget, scientific reporting …
  • Contribute to/ensure the valorization of the projects
  • NEW – Innoviris provides financial support – called “IPSU” – to organisations wishing to submit an international RDI project. This support, of up to €8,000 (if project partner) or €15,000 (if project coordinator), is aimed at non-economic organisations of any kind (universities, colleges, research centres, non-profit organisations, public sector … with the exception of public bodies of the Brussels regional entity that are not eligible), provided they meet a set of conditions listed on this website.

In a complementary fashion, the role of NCP Brussels under the DUT is the following:

  • Helping Brussels candidates identify the best call for your project
  • Support partner search
  • Provide tips and tricks in the proposal preparation
  • Proofreading of the proposals once finalized.

For more information:

Are you a legal entity based in the Brussels Capital Region and interested in the DUT? We are here to help you! Get in touch with us:

At Innoviris, contact:

At NCP Brussels, contact :

General questions: DUT Call

Sep 11, 2024 . 4 min read
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