COS-DESIGN-2015-3-03: Design-based consumer goods
The call for design-based consumer goods (WORTH) aims to shorten the time-to-market of innovative solutions, remove obstacles to wider application of creative solutions, create or enlarge markets for related products (or services) and finally improve the competitiveness of European SMEs in world markets. There is also room to replicate the innovations not only in participating SMEs but also across the supply-chain while generating important spill-overs.
Projects must be led by an SME in the Design-based consumer goods sector (see the call for examples of sectors) either alone or in a consortium involving other SMEs and/or public-private institutions (universities, research and technology organisations etc).
The total budget earmarked for the co-financing of projects is estimated at EUR 11.200.000. The expected size of the innovative Design-based consumer goods projects will be between 800.000€ and 1.000.000€, and they will receive a 50% financial support from COSME.
The deadline for electronic submission is 23 July 2015 17.00 hours (Brussels time).
For more information about this call visit the website here.