Civil Security for Society

Cluster 3 – Civil Security for Society

Cluster 3 Civil Security for Society will support the implementation of EU policy priorities relating to security, including cybersecurity, and disaster risk reduction and resilience. In addition, it will build on lessons learnt from the COVID-19 crisis in terms of prevention, mitigation, preparedness and capacity building for crises.

It will support the European Commission policy priority ‘Promoting the European way of life’, as well as ‘European Green Deal’ and ‘Europe fit for the digital age’. The main challenge of the cluster is to address European priorities in a cross-cultural manner in the field of civil security.

Cluster 3 is organized in 6 destinations:

Destination 1: Better protect the EU and its citizens against Crime and Terrorism

Destination 2: Effective management of EU external borders

Destination 3: Resilient infrastructure

Destination 4: Increased Cybersecurity

Destination 5: A Disaster-Resilient Society for Europe

Destination 6: SSRI (Strengthened Security Research and Innovation)

The Work Programme for Cluster 3 for the 2023–2024 period can be found here. You can also visit the Funding and Tenders Portal to look at the published topics individually.

Contact Person:

For more information on Cluster 3 and related NCP services, contact your NCP:

ncp brussels contact cluster 2 and 3
Kardelen Kala, NCP for Civil Security for Society



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