Looking for independant experts for EUREKA
Could you have predicted the success of today’s European innovations? If so, EUREKA wants to hear from you!
Many of the innovative technologies improving our daily lives are developed by partners under the auspices of EUREKA.
Now, you can contribute to this continuing European success story.
EUREKA is looking for Independant Technical Experts in any innovative technology or market field to evaluate
applications submitted for funding under the Eurostars SME Programme.
Eurostars projects are carried out by research-intensive SMEs, with an ambition to develop ground-breaking new products,
processes and services for the world market.
Eureka secretariat is looking for Experts of the highest calibre. Potential experts must:
– Hold a higher education diploma (degree or masters level);
– Possess a minimum ten years’ professional experience in their chosen area(s);
– Permanent resident or citizen of a European Union Member State or a EUREKA Member Country;
– Be proficient in the English Language.
Interested? To express your interest in joining our Independent Technical Experts database, simply complete the on-line form at the following link: http://experts.eurostars-eureka.eu/experts/newRequest