R&D for SMEs, 2 new calls for the Eurostars programme
The Eurostars expected projects are based on 4 guiding principles:
– Tailored for R&D performing SMEs: R&D performing SMEs are in the driving seat and receive at least 50% of the budget of each project, support of their
– Bottom-up: consortiums are invited to propose a project idea that supports their R&D strategy, no thematic is imposed. The projects must aim at the development of a technologically innovative product, process or service with no military purpose.
– Market-oriented : the exploitation strategy and commercialization forecast of the results must demonstrate a market introduction within 2 years after the completion pf the project
– International cooperation: encourage internationalization of SMEs by requesting the collaboration of at least two partners from two Eurostars countries (34 countries in total)
As funding agency, Innoviris finance the Brussels actors participating in the best projects selected by the Eurostars secretariat.
More information?
The Eurostars and Innoviris websites are at your disposal for more information and examples of selected projects and success stories
Your contact point in Brussels:
Mathilde Reumaux – International projects Advisor – INNOVIRIS (the Brussels institute for Research and Innovation)
Tel : 02 600 50 34/ Email : mreumaux@innoviris.be