A.A.A. EASME is looking for “Business Coach(es)”s
The Horizon 2020 SME Instrument is a novel funding tool supporting SMEs with the ambition and potential to engage in innovation-driven growth on the European and global market. It is based on three phases. Phase 1 aims to cover the assessment of technical feasibility and market potential of new ideas, phase 2 aims to cover R&I activities with a particular focus on demonstration activities and market replication and phase 3 concerns support measures in view of helping SMEs toward commercialising their innovative products and services.
The objective of this call for expressions of interest is to set up a list of external experts, so called “business coach(es)”.
The role of the business coaches is to provide business coaching and leadership development support to companies. A range of competencies will enable them to demonstrate their credibility to business. Some will have specific skills in certain areas.
The coaching support will focus on developing organizational capabilities to equip the beneficiaries with the necessary skills to ensure commercial growth based on the company’s SME Instrument project. Participation in the offered coaching support is voluntary for SME Instrument participants.
Expressions of interest should be submitted using the EUsurvey tool by accessing the following URL: http://ec.europa.eu/eusurvey/runner/businesscoachesSMEI
further info here